The Sims 4 will soon let you create a sim from a personality quiz
An upcoming update to the Sims 4 introduces a new way to simply create a sim with well-rounded traits called Create-a-Sim Stories. Instead of hand-picking a sim's traits, you can choose to take a 10-question personality quiz instead.If you're trying to make yourself in The Sims or have a specific personality in mind, it's as easy as answering questions based on that person. The questions themselves are lighthearted, Sims-related scenarios that ask how you'd react. Amazon Prime Day deals: see all the best early offers right here. body .hawk-widget{--trd-blue:#2f6e91;width:100%;letter-spacing:normal;}._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{margin:16px 0;}@media (min-width:600px){._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{margin:0;min-height:128px;float:right;clear:none;width:50%;}.fancy_box_body ._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{float:none;width:100%;}}.icon~.hawk-widget{clear:both;}@media (min-width:400px){body .buyingguide .product{float:right;width:40%;}}For example, you can answer "What's most important to me when selecting a place to live?" with "Showing off my wealth!" or "I'll embrace communal living."